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haven't made this yet... but I'll say something anyways

17 year old uh label label something um

I like music, like, a lot. And art. Like, any type of art you know? I have tried before to make music but I never actually did something so uh, yeah... but tbh this big ass love for music is new,
not sure the reason but i can't stand living more than 5 hours without music or something probably.

Something about me that doesn't have to do with music? Idk, my brain works in weird ways, it's like I forget everything from the past and days are repeating and repeating in a weird loop of nothingness everyday, so there's nothing very interesting about me. I like drawing though, I think I do it since I remember living and while I am not rlly good at it I try and my emotions are poured at every pixel on the screen. I think. I like ugly things too.
My method for drawing is just. shutting my brain off and whatever comes out is a drawing or idk, I think that's why I don't really have many of them and I sometimes feel they aren't really worth...????(?) so I don't think I'll post much of it here.

I'm a weird guy and uhhh men look nice but i'm aromantic and uh i do not like gender so u can use any pronouns with me.
Born in a male flesh prison 5 years ago suffering from confusion, I have been thinking and acting freely without a path. I had many issues and I still have a lot of them, but I'm constantly searching for improvement. I'm not a perfect being yet, so excuse me if I make lots of mistakes (which will happen sooner or later). I lack lots of basic human knowledge
My real birth date, 24 march 2007, was one of the days ever on this earth. I live in the south of the american continent, in the blue and white striped country with a little sun :3

I think my idea for this website is to put my every thought on here as a kinda journal and finally try and improve my life, I'll try to have as less filters as possible so I'm not sure what I'll write here.
The name comes from isolation and lair I think. I had interacted with people before, but not as much as the average person. While I do enjoy good company it's hard for me to stay in contact, you can dm me at @Jasiabu kinda everywhere, lol. I'll not reply in average social media tho, I do not use them even if they exist. I am in the nekoweb discord, I get online from time to time but I mostly lurk, I'm not sure the reason you'd like to talk to me but discord is the best place, I think.

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